DemosNews: Away
Wild Chase
by lauralhm
Terrific picture! The viewer on the horse's back plunges forward into the scene. Two dogs trot along the scallop of sand sideways. Waves sweep toward us .The boat hangs perfectly in equipoise. And the silvery light!
Enjoying the culinary and quaffing pleasures of rural northeastern Victoria, Australia
by robyn maxwell
Australia produces some of the most luscious wines in the world, but the best rarely may be found abroad. Treat yourself to a leisurely visit to prime vineyard country near gracious old Melbourne.
Gupta’s Prayer Room Revealed
by NCW
What a prayer room captured in living video—Hindu deities, Bollywood actresses, Bambi, throbbing movie music, flashing lights, the works!
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Honolulu (by Miss Isabel | 856 hits)
A Moment in the New Delhi Twilight Zone (by ldklein | 1841 hits)
Two Bright Spots Among Frankfort’s Anonymous Towers (by sakurachan | 1031 hits)
Kashmir (by NCW | 1819 hits)

Arranged from Highest Rating to Lowest[Click on the colored headings to rearrange]

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Cranes of Berlin, as seen from a bus
heartsutra Picture Creative 1610 5 6-Dec-07
NCW Document Creative 1819 5 28-Mar-08
Slow Travel
Anita Spertus Document Creative 1921 5 3-Sep-07
Scaling Potosi - Shot
Guille de Soho Portfolio Creative 1968 5 23-Jul-07
Gupta’s Prayer Room
NCW Document Creative 2002 5 24-Oct-07
The FRRO and the RamaKrishna Puram Small Market
NCW Document Creative 2032 5 26-Oct-07
On the summit of Mt. Potosi, Bolivia (19,974ft)
Guille de Soho Video Creative 2696 5 27-May-07
The Tale of the Ascent of Mt. Potosi (Part I)
Guille de Soho Document Creative 3312 5 23-Jul-07
Enjoying the culinary and quaffing pleasures of rural northeastern Victoria, Australia
robyn maxwell Document Creative 2224 4.92 12-Oct-07
The Tale of the Ascent of Mt. Potosi (Part II)
Guille de Soho Document Critical 2313 4.88 27-Jul-07
Measuring Airport Security
TheYetter Document Critical 1928 4.86 13-Sep-07
Green Light
Guille de Soho Picture Creative 2506 4.86 19-Feb-07
Sundar Nagar....and Roquefort
NCW Document Creative 1696 4.8 17-Oct-07
A Moment in the New Delhi Twilight Zone
ldklein Document Critical 1841 4.8 14-Apr-08
Wild Chase
lauralhm Picture Critical 1870 4.8 16-Oct-07
Gupta’s Prayer Room Revealed
NCW Video Creative 2165 4.78 3-Nov-07
lauralhm Picture Critical 1734 4.75 4-Oct-07
The Train Cemetery of Uyuni, Bolivia
Guille de Soho Picture Creative 1902 4.75 23-Feb-07
Red Tape
sakurachan Document Creative 1997 4.75 8-Aug-07
An initial note on food
NCW List Creative 798 4.67 1-Nov-07
Miss Isabel List Creative 856 4.67 22-Feb-08
Casting Off, Bogue Inlet Fishing Pier
m.e.engels Portfolio Critical 2115 4.67 27-Oct-08
Grand Canyon
m.e.engels Portfolio Creative 1987 4.63 29-Jul-07
Denizens of a Bolivian Rainforest
Guille de Soho List Critical 976 4.5 26-May-07
Two Bright Spots Among Frankfort’s Anonymous Towers
sakurachan List Critical 1031 4.5 10-Apr-08

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