DemosNews: Poetry

A thin man comes along Out of nowhere A black man comes along Out of everywhere Against all odds Comes along Materializes young and whole Out of our very selves. He is saying what’s on the tip of our tied tongues Finishing our tortured sentences With possibilities Of hope in a hopeless time. This one Understands What we want Some of what we want Enough of a fraction of what we want And need To send us Singing joyous alive tonight Dancing in the streets with history Embracing neighbors and strangers All round the wounded world. Impossible man Made of dignity and calm. Put your incredulous trust in him Against your better reason Extract it like a diamond from the dark column Of your spine Awed at yourself Your doing this Polish and deposit it Thankful In the hands of this man. Fiercely protect and challenge him. Give him pieces of yourself Friends All of us common from Africa Give h... See full document!

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Robert David Cohen Document Critical 2014 4.8 5-Nov-08
Walt Whitman’s 13 Commandments
Robert David Cohen List Critical 1189 5 26-May-08
Whatever happened
Robert David Cohen Document Creative 1723 5 23-May-08
Peace Proposal
Robert David Cohen Document Creative 1668 3.5 20-Apr-08
For Scott Cohen
Robert David Cohen Document Creative 1685 4.8 20-Apr-08
Terrible things I do to you
Robert David Cohen Document Creative 1603 4.9 10-Apr-08
Bearing Each Other
Raphael Document Creative 1793 3.67 1-Apr-08
Green Market
Robert David Cohen Document Creative 1841 4.9 29-Mar-08
Into the Breath
Gordon Bishop Document Creative 1685 4.5 11-Jan-08
ANairn Document Creative 1642 4.88 10-Jan-08
Life at Safat Cafe
Richard M Document Creative 1441 4 8-Nov-07
Catullus Alive: Readings
Carl Sesar Audio Track Creative 9129 5 25-Oct-07
American of the Century (for Bobcats Everywhere)
Richard M Document Creative 1456 4.8 5-Oct-07
Steel Rails Hum (Song for a Singer)
Richard M Document Creative 1437 4.83 27-Sep-07
Engineering Desire
Richard M Document Creative 1393 3.75 27-Sep-07
Girl by the Sea
Richard M Document Creative 1408 3.67 27-Sep-07
Future Giving (God and Evolution)
Richard M Document Creative 1417 4.33 24-Sep-07
That Messianic Feeling
Richard M Document Creative 1476 4 14-Sep-07
The Angel
Richard M Document Creative 1436 4.4 12-Sep-07
Richard M Document Creative 1410 3.8 12-Sep-07
Childhood Temple Song
Richard M Document Creative 1512 4.8 12-Sep-07
Who takes care of him?
Richard M Document Creative 1437 3.33 12-Sep-07
making a good impression
Richard M Document Creative 1358 4 12-Sep-07
Journeys of the Fortune
Richard M Document Creative 1650 4.71 12-Sep-07
Robert David Cohen Document Creative 1693 4.83 4-Aug-07

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