DemosNews: Alpaca fetus
Alpaca fetus
By: Guille de Soho
© 2024 Guille de Soho of DemosNews
The author has voyaged through Bolivia and Peru for many months. He also has voyaged through his native Argentina.

February 19, 2007 at 10:37pm
DemosRating: 3.5
Hits: 2318

Genre: Away (Spectacles)
Type: Critical
Tags: good, luck, Peru, Quechua

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Dried Alpacas and Foxes from Witches (1681 hits)

Raphael   The alpaca fetus is a huge tourist attraction in the witches...
Mario Mamani   As are the carcasses of foxes, wolves, and mountain cats....
Raphael   I actually have a picture of foxes at the La Paz market in m...
Guille de Soho   Yours appear to be the withered remains of months-old alpaca...
Mario Mamani   If only someone had baby vicunas.......
Raphael   Or llamas, for that matter!...
rj   Mmamas do!...
Sara Hartley   what a creepy talisman. do they believe it has medical prope...
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