DemosNews: Official List of a Maine Man’s Possessions Upon his Death in 1807
Official List of a Maine Man’s Possessions Upon his Death in 1807
By: Anita Spertus
Personal Estate of Ephraim Mandell 1807

This document was prepared for the probate court on behalf of the widow, listing all of the items which she inherited from Mr. Mandell for her use and benefit. Spelling is still rather free form, as was typical of the times. The woman herself, illiterate, signed the document with an X.

  • 2 feather beds beding and bedsted & bedcord 37.50 [dollars]
  • Bedcloaths and other Linning 08.58-
  • 13 Chares 06.25-
  • 2 Waterpales 4 trays and 3 chease hoops 01.40
  • 1 Great wheel—1 Loomb—Slay and harnises 08.59-
  • 4 Tin pans—2 gugs—and Earthan ware 03.53
  • 1 Pitcher—Puter.ware Sugar bowl and tumblers 02.75
  • 1 Warming pan—1 Looking glas 02.00
  • 2 washing tubs—1 Churn—1 pickle tub 02.16-
  • 2 Meattubs—1 whitining tub—1 gallon bottle 02.75
  • 1 Bread trough—2 Seieves 01.25
  • Iron wares—Iron dogs Slice and tongs 09.02
  • 18 Pounds of wool flax in bundle and brake 13.30
  • 4 Barells of Cider and the Casks 08.00
  • Beef and Pork 27.00
  • 20 Bushells of Potatoes—9 cabageheads—80?? 09.80
  • 12 pounds of tatter 02.00
  • 1 Cow & fodder to keep her through the Season of fodering 36.00
  • 2 tables—2 Chests—one of them with Draws 03.17-
  • 7 Bushells of apples 02.00
  • Beding taken from aflack?? bed 03.65
  • 1 black handkierchief 00.50
  • 2 swine 11.20
  • 2 hayforks and a small cask 01.30

© 2024 Anita Spertus of DemosNews

June 10, 2007 at 12:42am
DemosRating: 4.5
Hits: 1007

Genre: Perspectives (Serious Views)
Type: Critical
Tags: estate

Guille de Soho   That is an amazing litany. Some lucky duckling is going to ...
sakurachan   reminds one how close to the bone one's total possessions we...
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