DemosNews: Kids’ Flicks
Kids’ Flicks
By: HermioneSG
Robin Hood and Maid Marian   See Full Picture

Here’s a fun list of old favorites for kids, to be watched again and again, and remembered for years like beloved books or friends. Why not start watching them right now during the holiday break? Make some popcorn and cocoa, snuggle down beside your young fry, and enjoy yourselves!

  • The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938)
    handsome Errol Flynn and elegantly wicked Basil Rathbone, the lush palette of Technicolor, swashbuckling and warm hearted
  • The Court Jester (1955)
    the hilarious vessel with the pestle, the witchy handmaiden’s mesmerizing eyes and snapping fingers that pop the Jester in and out of an heroic stance, the magnetic armor, goofy and dear Danny Kaye
  • The Thief of Baghdad (1940)
    the great white flying horse, the amazing genii free at last, lithe Sabu, the blue rose of forgetfulness, fetchingly sinister Conrad Veidt
  • Beauty and the Beast (1946)
    no problem that Cocteau’s grand version is in French; perch the kids on your knee, whisper the action as it unfolds, the rich lustrous visuals tell the rest
  • Popeye cartoons from the 30
    the old rascally ones from the Fleischer Brothers studio have a swagger and flavor all their own
  • Snow White (1937) and Pinocchio (1940)
    breathtaking hand-drawn animation at Disney’s full length debut, every portion of the visual plane alive with shadows, twittering creatures and detail in motion
  • The Goldrush (1925)
    Charlie Chaplin’s contagious vulnerable charm, the dance of the potatoes, the sight gags, the big chicken, Big Jim. never mind that there are titles; reading them aloud for little guys only makes the whole experience more intimate
  • Sid Caesar’s Show of Shows (1950s)
    priceless, but tickles the funny bone of a slightly older set

© 2025 HermioneSG of DemosNews

December 19, 2007 at 2:02pm
DemosRating: 4.67
Hits: 973

Genre: Arts (Leads)
Type: Creative
Tags: children’s, cinema, Errol, Flynn, Danny, Kaye, Sabu, Charlie, Chaplin, Sid, Caesar

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