The DemosNews Logo
If you wish to return to the homepage, a tap on the Demos logo in the upper-left corner will bring you there.
The Black Bar
Below this logo, there is a black bar that runs horizontally across the screen. It exists on every page in Demos and it provides basic site navigation. On the left, you can access public pages:
- Hovering the mouse pointer over the word Genres invokes a suitable list of categories (drag the mouse down and click to choose the desired one).
- Similarly, the word Media presents the various media in Demos.
- Clicking on the word Search will draw up a form to search the material in Demos.
- Clicking on the words How does this section work? will relocate you to an appropriate explanation within this “Help” section. E.g. if you click on them now you will be redirected to a page describing how the help section works.
Colorful Clicks
One of the brilliant coups of the internet is that it connects related material in a world-wide web. By and large, any words in Demos that are colored (especially
these colors) may be clicked in order to reveal relevant material. Clicking on other members’ names, for example, will display a suite of information about them (
see here).