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People may say that there is a social timing for every good Cairienne girl to get hitched and follow the herd into the marital life and get stuck in the redundant routine of babies, motherly like behaviors and becoming a stay at home mom. But not her, not this one, she has decided that she will not follow the crowd, she will not succumb to the horrid pressures of society and she sure as hell will not consider herself expired as others might think or say she is. She didn’t reach this stage out of nothing, she reached this conclusion from many ghastly experiences that she he has witnessed in her life or heard off or even seen happened to a close friend or even to a parent. She has reached the decision of celibacy (since sex isn’t on the Egyptian menu) and to remain this way since she realized that there aren’t any eligible bachelors in this country and have narrowed the single ones as the following; gay, alcoholics, druggies or taken. She gets all these random questions from e... See full document!

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Arranged from the Newest to the Oldest[Click on the colored headings to rearrange]

Confessions of a Single Cairienne
Shaden Document Critical 1508 0 11-May-09
Re: Fondly Recollected Toys and Pastimes
George Sullivan Document Creative 1652 4.5 20-Nov-08
Everyman Speaks Out
Ben Harris Document Creative 1385 3.8 3-Nov-07
Confessions of a Summer Fling
Shaden Document Creative 1497 4.6 16-Oct-07
Leaving New York
Katherine13 Document Critical 1675 4.75 15-Sep-07
Fondly Recollected Toys and Pastimes
Kate Collins Document Creative 1812 4.82 2-Sep-07
Confessions of a writer (at 2 am)
Shaden Document Critical 1507 4.6 28-Jun-07