DemosNews: Confessions of a Single Cairienne
Confessions of a Single Cairienne
By: Shaden

People may say that there is a social timing for every good Cairienne girl to get hitched and follow the herd into the marital life and get stuck in the redundant routine of babies, motherly like behaviors and becoming a stay at home mom.

But not her, not this one, she has decided that she will not follow the crowd, she will not succumb to the horrid pressures of society and she sure as hell will not consider herself expired as others might think or say she is. She didn’t reach this stage out of nothing, she reached this conclusion from many ghastly experiences that she he has witnessed in her life or heard off or even seen happened to a close friend or even to a parent. She has reached the decision of celibacy (since sex isn’t on the Egyptian menu) and to remain this way since she realized that there aren’t any eligible bachelors in this country and have narrowed the single ones as the following; gay, alcoholics, druggies or taken.

She gets all these random questions from even more random people on why is she still single “are the men blind in this country” “as a matter of fact, yes they are”. She believes that strong, smart and independent women can be intimidating and it’s the hurt kittens that get all the good ones, she doesn’t mean to hate, but can she help it that she’s not a fragile woman? To her having brains and guts is a blessing and a curse- yet she is not a serious person in the same time, this is the least of her worries; try combining brain and balls and a party animal in the same time and what do you get? A time bomb, an unstoppable promiscuous female, a black sheep… you get the point.

To her it is frustrating, infuriating and least of all disappointing, to not being able to find someone who can tolerate a woman of essence (not that any type of women don’t have essence) with a wild side. Most importantly it is completely belittling that men have double standards and loads of complexes when it comes to the weaker sex. She is not the least bit of a feminist but it is sad that lots of single women like her cannot find a decent man, not just to marry, but to just click with. She has noticed that women have been having a bad reputation where all of a sudden women are being labeled as “wanting to get married” that’s not entirely true! What happened to knowing one another? What happened to romance? What happened to passion? What happened to fun? Doesn’t anybody know that marriage is a matter of fate!?

Single Cairienne women, not just her, suffer because it has become evident that this is not a city for singles, especially if you’re a female because as one great single Cairienne put it once upon a time “The country is structured in such a way that the socioeconomic class we all belong to is tiny, and so are the dating options”- this is not the only problem by the way! But let’s leave it at that!!

Dedicated to all the single and fabulous ones out there…!

© 2024 Shaden of DemosNews
The author is currently working for a PR agency and free lances for one of Cairo's social and lifestyle english magazines.

May 11, 2009 at 5:45pm
DemosRating: 0
Hits: 1499

Genre: Perspectives (Earnest Views)
Type: Critical
Tags: Confessions, single, cairo,

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