DemosNews: Confessions of a retired gossip
Confessions of a retired gossip
By: Shaden

Confessions of a retired gossip

She admits she is a gossiper, as the majority of her female peers, she has enjoyed in regularly indulging herself in chatting about the lives of others and she is not afraid to admit out loud that she has once taken part in the spreading of the news.

She has done a lot of deep, contemplative thinking about the whole subject and has come to the conclusion that the hunger for controversy and curiosity is a fundamental part of human nature. People have an innate desire to talk about other people, both with them and behind their backs; it quenches the thirst for stories, it feeds on the desire to feel less insecure and more confident in the fact that the life we are living makes more sense than the subject matter. She mused about celebrities' love lives and our peers' party records; which was a form of escapism from her sometimes dull and monotonous daily routines. Belittling their faults and condemning their wrongful actions boosted her own self-esteem and made her and her comrades, the gossipers, seem so much more virtuous.

Several magazines fill the purpose of tapping into her talkative conscience and bombarded her life with juicy information about her favorite stars. Her constant demand for gossip enables the writers of these magazines and entertainment channels to thrive and prosper in an industry built on lies and deception. However, her desire for gossip extends beyond the love life of famous individuals. Unfortunately, our desire for gossip extends beyond the love lives of famous individuals. In fact, the grand majority of discussions center on the complicated society that is filled with hypocrisies and taboos.

She knows all the who’s and the what’s, it’s the why’s that she thrives for, she longs to reach to the core and gets regular phone calls as her clique is dispersed around our large city, fighting for every detail to complete the missing link in the story of the season.
Yet, she has retired after knowingly hurt and spread stories about so many people, that it was too hard to replace the truth with the gossip. She knew that she was willingly destroying lives of many innocent and not so innocent people. But to her, speculating on the lives of people and their habits is infinitely more interesting than fashion, stocks, bonds or even cars albeit less intellectually stimulating.

She knows that we all have our faults, and a soft spot for juicy details and controversial gossip was hers. We all have our faults; she knew that her fault was one of the debauched ones. she ends this with a morsel of food for thought that is the principal cause of this hobby: "The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about at all."

© 2024 Shaden of DemosNews

April 10, 2008 at 10:00am
DemosRating: 4.5
Hits: 1400

Genre: Perspectives
Type: Creative
Tags: Gossiping, Confessions

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