DemosNews: Timeless Floral Lures for Kids’ Play
Timeless Floral Lures for Kids’ Play
By: Sara Hartley
Jewelweed   See Full Picture

One of the dearest ways that kids learn to love flowers is to tickle them hands-on in the in the wild or in the garden: decorate themselves with them, pop them, tell the future, taste their hidden honey. Herewith, some old time favorites.

  • “Touch-me-nots” (Jewelweed)
    Its flowers take the form of beguiling little orange cornucopiae, but ripe seedpods provide the irresistible draw: press the most swollen ones ever so lightly between thumb and forefinger, and instantly they explode inside-out, hurling forth their tiny seeds.
  • Dandelions
    Cut a mini-slit with your fingernail along the stem, then slide another dandelion stem through till its flower head stops it. Continue adding others to necklace length, or to make a little circular fillet for the hair.
  • Jack-in-the-pulpit
    Peek under the lovely cap striped like a Renaissance dandy’s silk trousers, and spy Jack.
  • Hosta
    Squeeze the fattest buds and hear them pop (naughty, but it doesn’t really hurt the plant.)
  • Daisies
    The classic for determining whether he/she loves you or loves you not. Pluck one petal at a time – alternating yes? and no?—until the last remaining petal yields the truth.
  • Nasturtiums
    Nip the little spur that emerges from the flower and suck its delicious honey.
  • A big crimson rugosa rose
    Too short lived and negligible-stemmed to serve in a vase, but fabulous as ornament on a gooey dark chocolate cake. (especially the “Decadent Chocolate Cake” from the Silver Palette Cookbook, scattered with wild raspberries.)

© 2025 Sara Hartley of DemosNews

August 7, 2008 at 10:06am
DemosRating: 4.5
Hits: 2004

Genre: Home (Flora & Garden)
Type: Creative
Tags: touch-me-nots, snapdragons, rugosa, hosta, nasturtiums

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